Thursday, December 8, 2011

Once again, BLOG!

Oreo is very sensitive recently near her hips, so please don't be alarmed if she snapped at you.  Please take caution while holding our dear baby!  We started a new section of science on light, sound, and heat.  Our social studies cuneiform cube is shockingly due on Monday, so make sure you take it home if you still need to work on it.  Christmas break is dawning upon us, so next Friday bring all your auction items.  Sadly, we were very misbehaving monkeys last week so there was no auction.

Well, more soon!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Sorry we haven't posted in a while, I guess just not enough time in the day.

Oreo went to the vet over Thanksgiving break, and she is doing fine!  Nothing wrong with her, she's just a little spoiled baby.  If you aren't done with centers, better hurry because they're due tomorrow, no ifs or buts.  To make us happier though, Christmas auction is tomorrow, so if you've got any miscellaneous items to sell, pack them! 

Well, the bell jusst rang.