Tuesday, February 28, 2012

New blog

Science fair was a few fridays ago. District was last week, congrats to those who got there! Regionals is coming up, congrats to those of you too!

The bunneh has been named! Mr. Hoppy Nose was a close runner up, but please welcome Theo! Full name is Theocolese. We think hes a boy! Please bring veggies for him. Carrots and lettuce are preferred.

Book projects are due on Monday. Enjoy your long weekend and parent teacher conferences! Star party is later tonight, U of U sponsors.

Moon projects due march 6th.

Go to mrs dahl's room for social studies conference. Mrs. Shaw wont be there, but you can do it on your own. Mrs. Shaw will be going from Powell and Dahl rooms back and forth.

Please leve feedback on the blog, and post what you like most about Theo! There is a service learning pet drive, where you bring in money or pet supplies. Whicever class brings in the most money and supplies gets a donut or pop float party. ( vote in the comments) Pet supply ideas: blankets, leashes, collars, food, toys, pet brush, band-aids, etc... Auction last friday was great, money was made, money was lost... IOUs for pinpulls are back down to 100 slcse, after the science fair chaos of 1000 each. IOUs on the board are flying off the roof, so save up your slcse bucks and pay them off.  Also, keep the cupboards tidy, specifically the paper one. Victoria cleaned that cupboard so nicely, and every day it's a mess again. Please keep it tidy! Don't go into the big closet, it's out of bounds or else it's 10000!

The bell just rang, and I've gotta go home, so I'll blog again later!

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I haven't been able to blog for a while. Problems signing in.

Oreo passed away calmy and peacefully over winter break. She had a proper burial at Cole's house, and we all miss her very much.( In the comments section, please put what you liked most about Oreo.)

On a happier note, we have 2 new classmates. One of which is a furry, four legged show- off! Please welcome to our class, with warm applause, our new little baby bunny friend!  Also over winter break, something miraculous happened with two supposedly male bunnies in the atrium. Our bunny has six siblings, and some are still available for sale. He's going to need special care over the next little whie, so everyone needs to contribute. Feel free to bring in any fresh vegetable scraps.

Our other new classmate is a human. Please welcome Margarita, and help her catch up.

We have to go to social studies, and I'll blog again soon with updates!