Thursday, May 30, 2013

C' ya Mates!!!!

                                      Send Off Post.

Well followers this is the final post of The Salt lake Center For Science Education's 6th  grade class year 2012-2013. Toghether we made it through deaths and struggles. Thank you for following us through this year. We will cherish the good and bad times so this is the final post for this reporter


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of the year

               Hello fellow sixth graders guess what it's almost the end of the year. we have had laughs along the way. we have had saddness we've had joys we've had the toughtest time this year but all together we have had fun! the very sad part is that hameem is not comming to our school next year we will miss him dearly. we recenly got a new bunny so we don't have to on morning theo loss.
well thats all bye!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shakespeare and CRTs

So, CRTs are going great we have finally finished the language arts section so pat youre self on the back and hope for good fortune. Shakespeare is coming along nicely and look forward to the play come the end of May! As always, until next time,
                              C'ya mates! - J

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

CRT fever

                         Hello guys! so this is the start of CRT's for just the middle schoolers but this week(and for the 3 weeks) we are having an off scudule becaues of CRT's. so no more 3 days til' close to the end of the year. Make sure to get lots of sleep and have some goood breakfast. Every single morning. If you are wondering when our crt's our it's next week. have a good week and good bye!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Ice, Ice Catapult, Break

                       Ok guys so this week we  got alot of stufff. First on the agenda tonight is the choir concert. Look out for Liz, Kayla and Emi singing Ice Ice Baby. We are having catapult contest tomorrow at the U of U. And last spring break

Monday, March 11, 2013


                      Heylo ere' body! This week is the last week to purchase your March Morp tickets. Match as a couple or with a group. Middle School Tickets are 5 dollars. Sadly only 3 people turned in their referrals for the caatapult contest at the U of U.
   Till next time
Cya Mates!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lots Of Class Scientists!

                              Hello everybody. This week we  have very good news. In our class 5 of the projects that had passed on to district science fair passed on to regionals! The groups going to regionals are (drum roll please) Mammal Foraging, Water testing quality (boys), Veggie Quality Girls, and Air Pollution! Soo next time you see Luis, Me, Amy, Jaynie, Sophia, Jaffar, Jonah, Alvaro, Andre, Sydney and Sam.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


       Today in Mrs.Dahls class Luis had a bleach insident. He thought that a bottle filled bleach was water and drank some. Not a good taste. Sam who was invesatestigating the bottle jammed the trigger, yours truly went to get a drink and it went off in my  face. Our ShamRockShake dance tickets are on sale today and tomorrow. We have planted  flowers, the name escapes me... But any way till next time...
 C'ya Mates!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

killer in the class!

               So during science fair the fish girls fish was shoved up the filter and our snails were stabbed because Mrs.D found grafite in the water it seemed to have been the wepon if you are the cul;prite reading this right now you must confess because Mrs.D is really upset and you don't want to get in more trouble then what your already in. this FRIDAY is the big AUCTION please REMEMBER so that we can have a big auction. science Fair reaslts were supposed to come today but I.D.K when they are now going to come. thats all this week so Later     Peeps!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Sorry about the "picthas" we had some delays and couldnt post any. Today I have some sad news. Theo passed away Monday morning. Mrs.Dahl says he gave us a great life lesson in caring and responsibility. We will miss him. Happy news is class probes have been time extended to sometime this month. Girls choice next week so girls better hook up! Sadness in the air I say.......See You Friends......

Wednesday, January 9, 2013