Thursday, May 30, 2013

C' ya Mates!!!!

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Well followers this is the final post of The Salt lake Center For Science Education's 6th  grade class year 2012-2013. Toghether we made it through deaths and struggles. Thank you for following us through this year. We will cherish the good and bad times so this is the final post for this reporter


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of the year

               Hello fellow sixth graders guess what it's almost the end of the year. we have had laughs along the way. we have had saddness we've had joys we've had the toughtest time this year but all together we have had fun! the very sad part is that hameem is not comming to our school next year we will miss him dearly. we recenly got a new bunny so we don't have to on morning theo loss.
well thats all bye!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Shakespeare and CRTs

So, CRTs are going great we have finally finished the language arts section so pat youre self on the back and hope for good fortune. Shakespeare is coming along nicely and look forward to the play come the end of May! As always, until next time,
                              C'ya mates! - J